Ideas for a trip

This spring we are cooking: Langaš

Do you wish to taste a piece of Pomurje on your plate? This is an opportunity to learn about a simple dish. It is called Langaš, which may originally indeed come from Hungary, but it has become very popular and a part of urban culture in Pomurje. You can find it on Sočna vilica, open kitchen events happening in Murska Sobota during summer, or also under the Vinarium tower, or at the Festival of Prekmurian ham and gibanica. There are also certain restaurants that prepare it, but you can also prepare it at home, according to the recipe of Leon Pintarič, the chef at Gostilna Rajh.



  • 500 g white wheat flour
  • 45 g yeast
  • 90 ml lukewarm milk
  • a pinch of salt
  • 360 ml yogurt
  • 2 eggs


  • 6 slices of homemade tünka
  • 1 small horseradish
  • 10 teaspoons of yogurt
  • some chives
  • 1 teaspoon of roasted hemp seeds


  • 5 dl oil for frying


Mix all the ingredients for the dough, knead it well and let it rise for at least half an hour. Then form small lumps from the dough and let them rest for a bit some more. After that take one lump in your hands, knead it in your hands, stretch it (as thin as pizza dough) and fry it in hot oil. Freshly baked langaš can be additionally spiced up with salty garlic water, or with grated tünka, fresh yogurt, chopped chives or wild garlic, grated horseradish or roasted hemp seeds.

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