Restaurant Rajh - Green Couisine
The management and employees of the plant took the decision some time ago to upgrade their existing green policy, to formally embed it in their operations, and to verify their sustainability performance against international standards. They decided to do the latter by means of a certification process to obtain the "GREEN KEY" sustainability certificate - for catering establishments and subsequently the "Slovenia Green - GREEN CUISINE" certificate.
Green Key is an environmental and sustainability label, a leading standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainability in the tourism industry. It represents the commitment of companies to adhere to the strict criteria set by the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in certified establishments, and assures guests that by choosing a certified tourist establishment they are directly contributing to the protection of the environment. The establishments that hold the label maintain high environmental standards, which they demonstrate through rigorous documentation and frequent inspections.
The Green Key symbolises a commitment to the environment and sustainable development, which is a lifetime value for potential guests. Obtaining the Green Key Ecolabel is also an additional way of promotion for the establishment, as it communicates to potential guests that the establishment meets strict environmental criteria and is actively, comprehensively and systematically improving its operations.
By obtaining the Green Key label, one of the most internationally recognised sustainability labels, and by signing the Green Policy of Slovenian Tourism and the Commitment to Sustainable Gastronomy of Slovenia, the establishment also fulfils the conditions for obtaining the "Slovenia Green Cuisine" label, thus formally positioning itself as an environmentally and socially friendly restaurant on the Slovenian, European and global market.