
The Holy Trinity Chapel and the Mummy of Mihael Hadik

Chapel of the Holy Trinity, protector of Lendava , is surrounded by the picturesque vineyards and as a proud white guard watches over the town below.

On this strategically important point for protection against intruders once stood a military post. Due to its carefully chosen position, not even the Turks were able to conquer it during the attacks in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1728, the grateful believers and the respectable family of Gludovácz built the chapel of the Holy Trinity on the Čonka hill (Hun. Csuka-Domb), which you can visit and see the mummified body of general Mihael Hadik, one of the greatest heroes in the battles with the Turks. The circumstances of his death are still not entirely clear. Calcareous soil and an extremely airy tomb have contributed to the natural mummifying of the body in the tomb. The chapel is surrounded by the oldest cemetery in Lendava, where you can admire the artistically crafted tombstones.

Contact information

Župnija Lendava

Cerkveni trg 2, 9220 Lendava

T: +386 (0)2 578 83 30


Business hours

To view the church and the mummy, it is necessary to pre-call: 040 349 613